
🦜 My Bird Journal 🦜

Page 2

Entries with images in them are marked with a 🎨 palette emoji.

New entries will be marked with a ✨ sparkle emoji, and will remain that way for a week before it is removed.

Birds that are native to my country (Australia) are written in purple, and birds that are invasive are written in red.

Some entries are combined together in the same page.

Entries are organised from newest to oldest.

Entry 22 - Found a dead bird [TW: graphic desc] 🎨

Entry 21 - Follwed home by a Wagtail

Entry 20 - Birds fighting over food 🎨

Entry 19 - White-eared Honeyeater 🎨

Entry 18 - Elusive Yellow-tufted Honeyeater 🎨

Entries 16 and 17 - Male Fairy Wren changing colours 🎨

Entry 15 - Wedge-tailed Edge hunting 🎨

Entry 14 - Learning to ID bird calls

Entry 13 - Lots of bird drawings! 🎨

Entry 12 - Honeyeaters drinking water from a lid

Entry 11 - Little Corella flock

Entry 10 - Noisy Miner with some grass

Entry 9 - Superb Fairy Wrens 🎨

Entry 8 - IDing a bird call

Entry 6 and 7 - Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo

Entry 5 - Australian Magpies 🎨

Entries 1, 2, 3 and 4 - The beginning of my Bird Journal