
Entry 13
Wednesday 18th May 2022

I was just able to identify two “new” birds that I haven’t seen before or been able to identify before. The first bird is what my mum has been calling the “whipper snipper” bird because it sorta sounds like a whipper snipper, but the bird in actuality is called a Restless Flycatcher. It’s a black and white bird similar to the Willie Wagtail, but it’s slightly larger and doesn’t wag it’s tail like the Wagtail does.

The second bird I saw was the Eastern Spinebill. It’s a honeyeater that can hover in place like a hummingbird, which I actually saw it do not too long before I started writing this entry. It has really cool feather colours/patterns on its throat so I’m going to draw it (and a bunch of other birds too.

Pencil drawing of an Eastern Spinebill's head. It has a long, curved beak and brown, black, white and orange feathers. It has red eyes.

An Eastern Spinebill.

Text reads: "Black area here is the wing."

Since I’m here drawing birds, I think I’m going to do another few pages of just me drawing birds. I’m going to draw birds I haven’t drawn before that I’ve been dying to draw, like the Little Corellas, and also the King Parrots.

Pen drawing of a Little Corella cockatoo's head. It is an entirely white bird with a grey beak, and some hints of pink around its face.

A Little Corella.

Top right text reads: "The grey around the eyes is a patch of featherless skin."

Bottm left text reads: "This particular Corella has fluffed up the feathers near its beak, somewhat concealing it."

Pencil drawing of two King Parrots. The first bird had a red head and belly, with green feathers on its back and wings. The second bird only had red on its underside.

Male and Female King Parrots.

Text in middle reads: "All juvenile King Parrots look like the females until they get older, and the males start getting their adul plumage."

Five pencil drawings of different species of birds. The top left bird is a Magpie sitting on a wire. It has mostly black feathers, with white on the back of its neck. The top right bird is a Pied Butcherbird on a branch, and it has a black head and wings, with white on the underside. The bird in the middle is a Crow, which is completely black. The bottom left bird is a Pied Currawong, which is mostly black except for some white on its bottom. The bottom right bird is a Magpie-lark with white on its face and underside, and black on its wings and chest.
