
Entry 6
Thursday 7th April 2022

I just saw (and heard) a pair of Willie Wagtails. I also saw a Magpie scratch it’s head with it’s foot going over it’s wing instead of underneath it, which looked quite odd. I also kept hearing what I thought were Rainbow Lorikeets in the distance.

Entry 7
Friday 8th April 2022

I just heard the calls of a single Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo. It’s the second time this year that I’ve heard it, after not hearing this bird in quite a while. We used to get Red-tailed Black Cockatoos in our town, but they’ve since moved on or died from a lack of food and water due to the extreme drought we had in the past few years. The Yellow and Red-tails sound and look very similar, but I know that the bird that I heard must be a Yellow-tail.

Addition from 3:24pm - My mum showed me a video that she took of two Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos. It is likely that they are a breeding pair, and they were hanging out in a tall tree across the road. I didn’t realise just how close they actually were when I had first initially heard them until my mum showed me her video.

Addition from 3:54pm - I heard another bird today. It was the Little Corella “cackling” sound that I’ve described before, which my mum has told me is definitely a baby vocalisation. Given the fact that the Corellas that make these sounds are the ones that screech the most (which babies do a lot), I’m inclined to agree with her.
