
Entry 1
Wednesday 30th March 2022

This is the beginning of my bird diary. Perhaps not everyday, but every other day I will log any changes, new sightings and other things I see or hear relating to birds.

To start off with a clean slate, I will now write down every single bird I saw and heard today starting with the most common.

Birds I saw:
❖ Superb Fairy Wrens
❖ Torresian Crows
❖ Magpies
❖ Sparrows
❖ Starlings

❖ Little Corellas
❖ Wood Ducks
❖ White-eared Honeyeater
❖ Red Wattlebird
❖ Yellow-faced Honeyeater
❖ Rainbow Lorikeet
❖ Crested Pigeon

Birds I heard:
❖ Yellow-Tailed Black Cockatoo
❖ Dusky Moorhen

Some other things to note are that I took videos of the Superb Fairy Wrens and also the White-eared Honeyeater, and a few days ago I managed to take a photo of an Eastern Rosella.

Entry 2
Thursday 31st March 2022

I saw a flock of Wood Ducks by the creek near the park, before I crossed the bridge. I then saw two Eastern Rosellas near the gazebo in the park. One was in the short trees leading up to the gazebo on the left. They were calling to each other :)

Entry 3
Friday 1st April 2022

I saw and heard the family of Blue-faced Honeyeaters today. From what I’ve seen, there’s about eight of them in total. Three of them are adults and the other five are juveniles.

Entry 4
Monday 4th April 2022

The past two days I have been hearing a Little Corella make laughing/cackling sounds. It doesn’t sound like a Kookaburra, it sounds almost like how a pet parrot would mimic human laughter. I have heard it three times in the past two days, and my mum heard it as well. It starts first with your regular cockatoo screeching, and then it escalates until it starts to laugh. I know that it’s a Corella making this sound because I saw it making the call at least once from a perch on the powerlines, harassing another member of it’s own flock. I find it to be very strange (and also funny), but I guess it must be a more rare vocalisation.
