
Entry 19
Thursday 2nd June 2022

Today is fucking freezing, yet despite that I have just seen a White-eared Honeyeater in the Bottlebrush tree, feeding on the flowers. We have so many different kinds of honeyeaters here that I think it’s kind of overkill, but they all seem to do okay in the same environment because they all feed on different flowers in different ways, and others like the Blue-faced Honeyeater eat mainly insects, supplementing their diet with nectar from flowers whenever they can. I think I will draw some more birds, specifically a few of the honeyeaters. I think they are very cute. But I will draw them later today. Right now I just want to warm up my fingers first.

Pencil drawing of a White-eared Honeyeater sitting on a branch. It has a brown-yellow body with a black head, and small patch of white feathers behind and bellow its eye.
