
📖 My writing 📖

This is where you will find all of my writing! Some are original works, others are fanfics, some are even non-fiction! You can find them all on Ao3 but I thought I'd he ultra cool and have some of them exist on my website too, just in case some bullshit happens to my Ao3 or the website explodes or some shit LMAO.

Additional information such as author's notes, content warnings, trigger warnings etc. can be found on the actual fic's page! Always be sure to read all of the info first just in case! Stay safe ♥

All writing is ordered from newest to oldest. Multi-chapter fics that have been recently updated will show up at the top.

Omens in the Dark

Fandom: Batman
Pairing: Bruce Wayne & Male OC, Damian Wayne & Male OC [Platonic]
Chapter count: 2/? (Work in progress)
Rating: Teen
Summary: There are whispers of a creature crawling around in the streets of Gotham, something dark and foreboding. The shadows curl around it like it belongs there, and it’s eyes glow white as they pierce through the dark. It’s whole body shifts and moves in ways deemed unnatural, and it watches the citizens of Gotham like a hawk.

The problem for Bruce?

That creature isn’t Batman.


Fandom: World of Warcraft
Pairing: Khadgar & Male Orc OC [Platonic. Romantic if you squint really hard.]
Rating: Teen
Summary: Deathlord Grokkar and his battalion of Death Knights are forced to retreat from battle after they are ambushed by demons on the Broken Shore. Khadgar rescues them in the nick of time, teleporting them to safety.

Grokkar, of course, has to suffer the Archmage’s puns as a result.

Pisces of the Shore

Fandom: World of Warcraft
Pairing: Male Orc OC x Male Human OC [Romantic]
Chapter count: 5/? (Work in progress)
Rating: Teen
Summary: After some very questionable actions of betrayal are committed by the Alliance, Theramore has no choice but to side with the Horde.

The citizens of Theramore and the people of the Horde alike do their best to get along, but things were never easy before, so why would they be easy now?

Told in the perspective of an overworked human fisherman, a disgruntled orcish hunter, and the fluffiest dog that has ever existed.

Missing Pieces

Fandom: Batman
Pairing: Bruce Wayne & Alfred Pennyworth [Platonic/Familial]
Rating: Teen
Summary: Bruce loses a finger during an altercation with The Riddler. He hopes Alfred won't be too mad.

Starlight, Starbright

Fandom: Original Work
Rating: SFW
Summary: Life has always been difficult for us to measure when it comes to life outside of Earth, especially sentient life. We have no way of knowing what life may look like on other worlds, so far from our reach. But what if sentient alien life was right under our noses?

A short original story written in the perspective of Sol, our sun.

Flowers For My Jealousy

Fandom: World of Warcraft
Pairing: Garrosh Hellscream x Koltira Deathweaver [Romantic]
Rating: SFW
Summary: It was stupid. It was completely and utterly stupid. He should not be feeling this way, for any reason at all.

Garrosh Hellscream, son of Grom, Warchief of the Horde, was jealous.

The Death of a Knight

Fandom: World of Warcraft
Pairing: Khadgar & Male Orc OC [Platonic]
Rating: Mature
Summary: Grokkar dies. He is the only person he trusts to prepare his own body in a way that will prevent anyone from bringing him back to life.

So he does it himself, with a little help from Khadgar.

Found Family

Fandom: World of Warcraft
Pairing: Orcish OC & Human OC [Platonic/Familial]
Rating: Teen
Chapter count: 2/? (on hiatus)
Summary: There was no doubt in Durmor's mind: There was a shaman hiding in those bushes, and whatever had happened to them had angered the elements greatly.

Durmor had no clue as to how the shaman had ended up in such a state, but they obviously needed help. He would have to continue his hunt later. Now, his first priority was getting this shaman back to the village, and making sure they got some good food to eat while they healed.

Garrosh Hellscream Learns How To Crochet

Fandom: World of Warcraft
Pairing: Garrosh Hellscream & Male OC [Platonic/Familial]
Rating: SFW
Summary: Garrosh learns a new skill from his somewhat-nephew.

The Home I Feel In Summer's Doom

Fandom: Non-Fiction
Rating: SFW
Summary: Thoughts and feelings about "home"

The Land Bleeds

Fandom: Non-Fiction
Rating: SFW
Summary: Mother Nature takes back what is rightfully hers, and she takes it back with blood and rage in her two red eyes.

Comfort In One's Chest

Fandom: World of Warcraft
Pairing: Garrosh Hellscream & Thrall & Male OC [Platonic/Familial]
Rating: Mature
Summary: He wasn’t able to process anything other than the memories that invaded his mind, and when he thought he’d beaten his mind at it’s own game and distracted himself with his father’s voice and purring, they came back in full force.

He didn't want to wake up screaming again.


Fandom: Transformers Prime
Pairing: Megatron & Male OC [Platonic]
Rating: SFW
Summary: He wasn't about to start making excuses for Megatron's behaviour.

He would forgive Megatron eventually, but only because he knew that Optimus would've done the same. However, Megatron would have to earn that forgiveness with his blood, sweat and tears.

Don't Think, Just Feel

Fandom: Transformers Prime
Pairing: Optimus Prime x Male OC [Romantic]
Rating: NSFW
Summary: Optimus wanted him to know that he could have pleasure in whatever way he liked, as long as it was safe and consensual. He wanted him to know that self-service didn't have to be a substitute for interfacing, it could be a beautiful and arousing experience in it's own right.

Old fanfic

Fandom: Batman
Summary: This fanfic was the original "Omens in the Dark" that I wrote before I scrapped it and started to re-write it. It is still here in case people want to read it for some reason, but please keep in mind that the events go very differently in this fic than in the newest, re-written version, and this fic is essentially considered to be un-finished and abandoned.

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