Demon Hunter | Devastation + Havoc | Horde | Server: Saurfang
Syerith was my first and only Demon Hunter, which I created during the Legion expansion (obviously), right before my huge years long break from WoW. I was super fucking stoked for Demon Hunters when they came out. I seriously couldn't believe we were getting the Demon Hunter class. I genuinely thought it was going to stay as just a fantasy for players to think about obsessively on forums and shit. But we got Demon Hunters and I really like em :)
While I won't say that Syerith is my main (my other characters like Serrastrasz and Quirezz are closer to being my mains than anything), because of the Demon Hunter's extreme manoeuvrability, if I ever need to do something that's gonna be kinda slow and annoying, Syerith will be the first character I pick to do that task, since I know she'll do it the quickest!
As for Syerith's actual personality, I think of her as a very serious no-nonsense type of character. She also doesn't talk much, and doesn't have much in the way of friends. She's like the lady version of Grokkar, almost. Which is funny because in my lore neither Grokkar nor Syerith get along, lol.
She's loyal to Illidan, though she's far from being a suck-up. She just does what she thinks is the best thing to do for Azeroth.
Huge hulking big ass fucking Illidan. He's so fucking big. Hugest bitch on Azeroth. I love him. He's also staring right at you, btw.
The first ever Legion Class Hall mount that I ever got. It was a pain in my ass and it took forever, but I did it!!! And because those achievements you have to get in order to get the mount are now account-wide, I can get the other Class Hall mounts much, much faster. I really think the Demon Hunter Class Hall mount is the best looking one tbh. It's just so cool :3
Syerith charging up a staff at a variety of sacred pools for the Lunar Festival! I had never done the festival before...until I realised there was a mount and a bunch of flower crown appearances I could get! I fucking love flower crowns...
Syerith, of course, has to be the centre of attention. Even if she is blocking the hall to the portal room...