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5:01 pm Tuesday 18th March 2025

taking break from tumblr. and other shit i'm up to.

idk i'm just fucking tired of tumblr. had a dream that a friend on there was being mean to me and also racist for some reason (made no sense in the logical waking world) and every time i go on there i see some stupid negative bullshit that i just don't care about so i've logged out and i guess i'll go back later.

as for what i've been doing lately...well i'm still trying to take care of the fleas. there's not nearly as many as before. i'm just trying to stay on top of the whole..cleaning shit. i vacuumed today. i was meant to do it a few days ago but i had legit no energy AT ALL. i been tired a lot. not really depressed, just tired. i just wanted to sleep.

i been playing a new game, tho. catlevanis: symphony of the night! i've been playing the ps1 version on a ps1 emulator on my computer (duckstation), and i've been having a total blast. i'm up to the beelzebub boss, but i think i'm a littttlee too weak to kill him just yet, so i'll be exploring the rest of the upside down castle to see if i can get some better items and maybe some more life and heart-ups. buttt yeah.

i've also been playing the undermined stuff in WoW, but i been procrastinating on doing that shit so i'm a little behind on it tbh. there's lots of quests...the place is so crowded...i keep crashing my car. idk what i'm doing. but i like the fucking music!!!! YEHHAWWW JAZZ BABY!!!!! i fucking love jazz. i cum for jazz.

anyways sorry i haven't updated my silly website in a while. it's my bad. i just got shit going on, you know? i think i kinda wanna write stuff today. i'm in the mood. i think i can get some writing done. yeahhhhh.

12:51 pm Thursday 6th March 2025


hello. jerry gave me fleas and i have spent a whole week vacuuming, throwing baking soda everywhere, covering myself in itch-relieving cream and bug repellent, spraying my room with bug killing spray, washing all of the fucking blankets and pillows and plushies and clothes and god knows what else. i will kill these fleas. i wear spooky scary skeleton halloween gloves to bed to cover my entire body with clothe so that the fleas have nothing but my face to bite (and they are far to cowardly to do so). it is cold. it is raining. the battle against the fleas has not ceased. i will be the victor. i will be the champion. i am the destroyer of fleas. they cannot stop me.

1:44 pm Monday 24th February 2025

ambulance bills, flag cursors and rp events!

hey thereeeee here is an update on what's been going on!

first thing's first...you know that hospital visit i talked about in a previous blog entry? weellll....i knew it was coming, but i got an ambulance bill in the mail recently, that was $469....basically almost 500 fucking dollars! i made a post on my tumblr asking ppl to help me out cuz i couldn't pay the bill on my own and i'm legit almost close to my goal...it's literally only been 2 days since that post and so many people have helped already...it's crazy what having a decent amount of followers and mutuals and friends who really care about you can really do when shit hits the fan for you. granted it's a small bill when you consider all the other people on tumblr and the internet in general have to deal with...but it's just been wonderful seeing people really showing up for me when things are tough.

second thing i've actually talked about it on my tumblr before, but i've actually been working on a new cursor project! this is the largest amount of cursors i've ever made....since i'm doing all of the world's flags (including countries, territories, colonies and even indigenous people's flags)! I've done...a lot, already. Definitely over 100. But I'm still barely half-way there 😭 I make a decent amount of progress each day, but it is very time consuming. I do find it to be fun, though!

also I'm about to go to an RP event on WoW for the first time??? it's like, a theatre/play sort of thing!!! i'm a bit nervous but i'm just gonna be, like...and audience member. as my rogue. so i can be hidden. because i want to stay as an observer. and also cuz my character is literally a doppelganger of Genn Greymane which will definitely get me a lot of attention 💀 lmfao. uhhh please wish me luck i am so scared.

3:46 pm Tuesday 18th February 2025

site optimisation and stickers for my notebooks

ummm so i’ve been optimising the site a lot as of late. just trying to make it load faster n stuff. focusing less on adding new pages (besides the new dress-up game of course) and just, crunching down the images to be less big n stuff. introducing lazy loading to many of the images on the website (which i should’ve been doing in the first place tbh) etc. i think for the next week i will focus on doing image descriptions until they’re all done. because i’ve had that on my agenda for a while, and while i’ve made a lot of progress, i haven’t yet got all of the images on my website described just yet. i’m not the best at image descriptions, i’ll admit. but i do my best to be concise with them. to make sure all the important info is in there without bloating the word count too much or describing shit that’s not really that important and would be a slog to read (something i find people do a lot when describing images on tumblr and shit. like dude you don’t need to do all that, just get the key info and be done with it already 😭) idk if i should do the same with the pictures on my blog or not, since i rarely put pictures in here.. but i think i should just be like...consistent about the whole thing. if i’m doing it for the art images and other stuff then i should do it for the pictures in my blog entries too.

anyways ummmm. i got new stickers yesterday :3 asked my mum to get me like, maybe one or two from the shops (i gave her 4 dollars to do so) but she came back with 7!!! and they’re all so good!

Sooo in the picture we got rainbow stickers, sparkly and holographic star stickers, realistic animal stickers (they’re photographs), two different cartoon-y dragon stickers, some dinosaur stickers, and some like...really early disney-style heart stickers.

I like em all a lot. i think my favs are the animals, the stars, the rainbows and the hearts! but they’re all super cool lol. i’m growing a collection of stickers, now!

2:51 pm Saturday 15th February 2025

i'm stupid LOL

sooo my dumbasss has been using the html comment box allll wrong. I uhhh didn't realise there were options to force users to use an email to prevent spam (which i've been having an issue with lately) until i went back on their website to look at the script options (facepalm). Soo I figured that out!!! yayyy!! less likely chance of spam!!! weehheeee!!! i wish i had figured that out weeks ago though LMFAO. I also have decided to pay for the "professional plan" which is like. 7 dollars a month so i can IP and email ban people (idk why that's not a fucking free feature but whatever). It also removes the company's branding from my guestbook which is a bonus!!! idk how long i'll stay with this particular company since i have my gripes with it, but if i do move over to a different type of guestbook then i got the option to export all my comments so that's good :3

also uhh i finished my dress-up game yesterday!!! i had a lot of fun making it! my friends have already shown me what they've done and the first thing that happened was that one of my friends used the pride pins as pasties for batman's nipples LMFAOOOO. i was like...this 🤏 close to adding pasties too. i was also supposed to add scars but...i forgor...

anyways ummm i'm tired. i'm gonna like. chill out, today. also for once i'm not playing WoW everyday so. i guess that's a good thing? that i know i'm not fully addicted to the game and i can, in fact, lose interest in it. was a bit worried there for a second lol. anywayssssssssss uhhhh bye.

12:04 pm Wednesday 12th February 2025

both elated and annoyed

sooo, i guess i'll start with the bad news first to get it out of the way. cloudflare has blocked file garden and apparently did so without even notifying the site owner. this is the second time that something this stupid has happened regarding file garden (not the owners fault) and i'm honestly getting quite sick of it.

in case you missed it, a month ago the aussie ISP Telstra blocked file garden for like a day or so which broke a ton of aussie webdev's websites on their end, which was annoying, but at least it was a bit more...localised. people in other countries wouldn't see a change to aussie's websites but other aussies who used telstra certainly would. it got sorted very quickly, but it was still annoying.

but now it's cloudflare blocking file garden and so it's a lot more of a bigger issue now since it's not just localised to 1 country anymore. hopefully the issue gets sorted out soon since the owner of file garden is working on it, but he did say that it usually takes a few days just to get a response.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sooo, at this point my main goal is to just edit my css files to have it so that if the .cur file of the bat-hand cursor doesn't load properly, it'll just use the regular pink batsymbol cursor that's used on most of the website anyways. Since this seems to be a recurring issue.

also, other horrible shit that happened a few days ago: i got so supremely dizzy at the faire because of all the rides i went on that i almost fainted. and then i was nauseous. and then i had an anxiety attack. and all of that combined was a lovely little hospital visit overnight until i was actually better (they gave me anti-nausea and anti-anxiety meds which helped sooo much). but uhh yeah i'm okay now. my body is just kinda fragile tbh.

anyways um. how about onto that good shit i said i was gonna talk about???

wellll. I'm making a fricking dress-up game!!! yeahh!!!! it's specifically gonna be a batman dress-up game, and i'm going to be making it just using draggable divs with javascript. everything else is just html and css stuff. it'll be a very simple game, but a cool one nonetheless! I've already completed drawing the "doll" (aka bruce) as well as a abunch of bat-suits. but it'll also be adding regular clothes in case people just because i don't want it to be too boring. i dont want a situation where ppl are only able to make canon-batsuits without even a little bit of variety or flare or stuff.

5:31 pm Sunday 26th January 2025

My tumblr blogs and other things

sorry, it's been a minute since i've made an update to my online journal lol. I have a real life journal and a personal blog that I use for my mnay random thoughts, and i get so busy i do sometimes forget to write shit here on my own website. i dont really know how many people actually even read this stuff anyway, but i guess it's not a big deal or whatever. i always come back anyways. because i only ever associate neocities with positive experiences and stuff, i just never have much to say or pages to update.

today, though, i did have to add a new page, as well as a new thing at the front page of my website for aussie visiters. but you can read all that over there, i'm not gonna rephrase myself lol. so i figured while i was doing all that, i'd tell you about what i'm doing.

my spore blog is going really well. i'm getting better at making stuff in spore, i made like two megabuilds of WoW characters, and everybody is very impressed and amazed with my incredible spore skills!

i also decided to revive an old sideblog of mine, which was related to the game Elite: Dangerous. The basic gist of the blog is that it is written entirely in-character of my OC Aiden, who is the charatcer I play as in-game, and he's a space explorer who likes to go around the deep edges of the Milky Way galaxy to take up-close-and-personal photographs of various nebulae and other stellar objects! And each blog post is an entry in his online journal that he posts to the Galnet (like the internet but it's galactic rather than just on earth lol). And I'm basically playing Elite: Dangerous as if I am my character Aiden, and the screenshots I take are his photographs. It's genuinely been so fun getting back into it. If any of you guys are curious...the blog is cmdr-consortia.tumblr.com !!

2:39 pm Monday 6th January 2025

Happy new year!!!

hello, it is the new year! i have kinda been neglecting my website a bit and for that i apologise, i just haven't had much motivation to update it. i mostly update my website when i've posted new art n such but i haven't been drawing a whole lot as of late so...my bad!

for the new years, i'm hoping i can draw a bit more. i'm hoping in general that i can just push myself to be a bit more productive, by setting reminders and goals for myself. i've started using daylio again (i used to a few years ago but stopped for some reason), and it's been helpful for me understanding my moods, and also tracking my health n activities that i do each day. this is mostly what i'm using to help me set goals n reminders. i hope to journal more in my physical journal, but also i hope to make more posts here as well!

i've honestly mostly been playing WoW, so i figure maybe i can kick myself up my ass and make a WoW page to showcase all of my cool characters and their transmogs n stuff! because i think all my characters r super cool :3

anyways have a happy new year and i hope everyone's years all go really well! i am manifesting a good year for us all ♥

4:43 am Monday 9th December 2024

been busy with stuff

theyooo, been a bit busy as of late so i forgot to update my little journal. i was putting up some LED lights in my room which took a while (i had to rearrange everything in my room to be able to get the ladder in all the corners of my room lol). then i made the genn greymane cursors. then i made a new sideblog on tumblr for all of my spore creations and stuff (and i hope to make a spore-related area here on my website!). i've also been updating all my blogs on tumblr to add pinned posts and additional information about myself and such. just been too busy to draw or do anything to this website atm.

1:26 pm Sunday 10th November 2024

Over 100,000 visitors thus far!

Sooo I just looked at my website's like, analytics and stuff and apparently i've had over 107,000 visitors??? That's...quite a lot, actually! It's crazy to me the amount of people (or at least, repeat visitors) may have purposefully clicked on my website to see what was up. 107,000 people is a bonkers number in my opinion!!! Ummm, so thanks to all the people who have looked at my website and stuff, even if you haven't said anything to me ♥ I really appreciate it