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2:39 pm Monday 6th January 2025

Happy new year!!!

hello, it is the new year! i have kinda been neglecting my website a bit and for that i apologise, i just haven't had much motivation to update it. i mostly update my website when i've posted new art n such but i haven't been drawing a whole lot as of late so...my bad!

for the new years, i'm hoping i can draw a bit more. i'm hoping in general that i can just push myself to be a bit more productive, by setting reminders and goals for myself. i've started using daylio again (i used to a few years ago but stopped for some reason), and it's been helpful for me understanding my moods, and also tracking my health n activities that i do each day. this is mostly what i'm using to help me set goals n reminders. i hope to journal more in my physical journal, but also i hope to make more posts here as well!

i've honestly mostly been playing WoW, so i figure maybe i can kick myself up my ass and make a WoW page to showcase all of my cool characters and their transmogs n stuff! because i think all my characters r super cool :3

anyways have a happy new year and i hope everyone's years all go really well! i am manifesting a good year for us all ♥

4:43 am Monday 9th December 2024

been busy with stuff

theyooo, been a bit busy as of late so i forgot to update my little journal. i was putting up some LED lights in my room which took a while (i had to rearrange everything in my room to be able to get the ladder in all the corners of my room lol). then i made the genn greymane cursors. then i made a new sideblog on tumblr for all of my spore creations and stuff (and i hope to make a spore-related area here on my website!). i've also been updating all my blogs on tumblr to add pinned posts and additional information about myself and such. just been too busy to draw or do anything to this website atm.

1:26 pm Sunday 10th November 2024

Over 100,000 visitors thus far!

Sooo I just looked at my website's like, analytics and stuff and apparently i've had over 107,000 visitors??? That's...quite a lot, actually! It's crazy to me the amount of people (or at least, repeat visitors) may have purposefully clicked on my website to see what was up. 107,000 people is a bonkers number in my opinion!!! Ummm, so thanks to all the people who have looked at my website and stuff, even if you haven't said anything to me ♥ I really appreciate it