2:39 pm Monday 6th January 2025
Happy new year!!!
hello, it is the new year! i have kinda been neglecting my website a bit and for that i apologise, i just haven't had much motivation to update it. i mostly update my website when i've posted new art n such but i haven't been drawing a whole lot as of late so...my bad!
for the new years, i'm hoping i can draw a bit more. i'm hoping in general that i can just push myself to be a bit more productive, by setting reminders and goals for myself. i've started using daylio again (i used to a few years ago but stopped for some reason), and it's been helpful for me understanding my moods, and also tracking my health n activities that i do each day. this is mostly what i'm using to help me set goals n reminders. i hope to journal more in my physical journal, but also i hope to make more posts here as well!
i've honestly mostly been playing WoW, so i figure maybe i can kick myself up my ass and make a WoW page to showcase all of my cool characters and their transmogs n stuff! because i think all my characters r super cool :3
anyways have a happy new year and i hope everyone's years all go really well! i am manifesting a good year for us all ♥