
๐Ÿ‰ Dapper Dragon District ๐Ÿ‰

Dragons galore! This is a showcase of all the dragon statues that I have collected over the years! Some are big, some are small...and some even see daily use! I will write some stuff about each dragon if I remember when I got it or what itโ€™s used for, but many of these little guys just chill in my room and thatโ€™s it lol.

These aren't in any particular order, just whatever order I felt like showing them in :)

Image description: A small dragon statue that is laying down with its head up, and its tail curled around its body. It is mainly blue, with faded green and purple scales across some of its body. It has golden highlights on its body.

This is the first dragon statue that I ever got, which originally belonged to my mum, and was acquired when I was quite young. It's the oldest dragon statue that I own, and it's in surprisingly good condition all things considered!

Image description: A small blue dragon statue, covered in silver glitter. The dragon is standing on some steps, holding a staff in both hands. It is also wearing some armour on its body.

This small little guy is really cute! He hangs around a bunch of other dragons on top of my cupboard drawers :3

Image description: A small dragon statue that is entirely black. The dragon is sitting upright on a stone, and is holding a human skull in his right hand.

This is just a small little guy :) nothing too special about him, I just think he's neat.

Image description: A small snowglobe with a little blue dragon figure inside of it. Beneath the globe on the outside, there are carved images of a red and purple dragon facing each other.

Just a tiny little snowglobe! There's air in there because I think the globe leaked a little. I've noticed that the globe isn't properly secure on the actual thing its sitting on, so that might be why! Idk how to fix it, but I'm sure I'll be able to figure it out.

Image description: A black, intricately detailed box with a lid that has a a dragon on the top. The dragon is laying down with its head up. On the edges of the box are small half-circle dips where a cigarette is supposed to be held. On the sides of the box are carved dragon heads, with wings on either side.

This dragon is honestly one of my favs, simply because it acts like a little box to put trinkets and such in! I didn't realise until kind of recently (as in, within the last few years) that it was actually supposed to be an ashtray LMAO. I had to read the label underneath it to realise this because I am unfortunately not very bright.

Image description: Two small statues of baby dragons hatching from the eggs. The left one is blue and purple, and the right one is orange and gold. The eggs they are hatching from have black runes carved on the front.

The babies! These two are actually battery operated, so if you put batteries in them from the bottom, the egg parts they're emerging from will light up, and shift between various different colours!

Image description: A dragon statue that is lavender in colour, with golden yellow highlights. It is perched on top of a dark green geode. The geode is has sparkles on it.

A cool little dragon that has unfortunately experience The Bookshelf Incident, in which I had shaken the bookshelf it was on in anger and rage, and the dragon fell on the floor and one of its wings broke off. I was thankfully able to glue it back on. Never let your anger make you do physical actions that aren't simply lying down and going to sleep LMAO

Image description: A blue dragon statue, which is perched on top of a rock that has a small alcove in it. Insidethe alcove are crystals. The dragon has a chain around its neck.

A really cool guy, which as you can see is acting as a bookend for a bunch of my journals and my sketchbook as well!

Image description: A fully black dragon statue. The dragon is curled around a christian cross, growling at the viewer.

Another guy who I think is neat. I don't have much to say about him besides the fact that I tried to use him as a bookend a while ago but he was too light and top-heavy lmao.

Image description: A dragon statue which also acts as a lamp. The statue is entirely black. The dragon is curled around a christian cross, and the cross has a human skull in the middle, and red gems on the ends of each arm of the cross. The lamp is turned on, and giving off a warm yellow light. On the lamp shade is a highly stylised drawing of a dragon face.

A super cool awesome dragon, since they're a lamp!! I use this lamp pretty much every single day :3

Image description: A solid glass rectangle with an eastern dragon laser-etched into the centre of it. The corner edge of the solid glass is facing the viewer, allowing the viewer to see that he dragon is 3D, and can be seen on both sides of the rectangle.

A really unique dragon "statue" that I have...since it's actually made out of glass, and the 3D etchings on the inside of the glass are made by lasers!

Image description: A red dragon statue which also acts as a incense diffuser. The diffuser has a top, a middle, and a bottom. The middle is a circular glass case, which encases where the incense is meant to go, as well as a small figure of a red baby dragon hatching from an egg. The top of the diffuser is larger red dragon, laying down on the top of the defuse, and looking down at the baby dragon. The bottom is where the smoke and scent from the incense comes out.

A really insteresting dragon statue I own, since it also acts as a backflow incense diffuser (or something like that). Never actually used it for its intended purpose lmao.

Image description: A large black dragon statue. It stands upong some rocks, and is holding a sword and a staff in either hand. It wears armour on its chest and arms, and is facing slightly towards the right.

HUGE GUY! He has a back sword and also a staff too! I've hung one of my necklaes from his neck and also hung my butterfly keychain from his staff LMAO I just didn't know where else to put it.

Image description: A large orange dragon statue. It is perched upon a rocky ledge, and protects a large, orange human skull. It is facing its head towards the left, with it's mouth open in a growl.

Another HUGE GUY! I've also hung a necklace from his neck lmao. The big orang skull with the fire-mohawk can light up!

Image description: A large blue and purple statue of a dragon head, with its mouth open. It has sharp, crooked teeth, and a massive tongue which sticks out, holding a green orb on the tip of its tongue.

I have nothing else to say other than TONGUE.

Image description: An orange dragon statue. The dragon is sitting on top of a rocky structure, which holds a large orange egg inside. The egg has black etchings on the surface, depicting a dragon facing towards a crescent moon.

Just another cool dragon :3 It currently acts as a bookend for another bookshelf, but when I tried to take a photo of it in its usual spot the picture didn't look great. The big orange egg the dragon is sitting on can also light up!