
Entry 41
Saturday 17th June 2023

Yesterday, I went on a walk and saw just a few birds here and there. Mostly Magpies, Little Corellas and birds like that, but I also saw a lot of Noisy Miners. There was one Noisy Miner that I saw on the main street that let me get real close to it, before it flew away, over my head. I thought it was really cute. I also saw lots of Magpies and Noisy Miners when walking back home, past the park. There was a congregation of perhaps over 6 Magpies, and the Noisy Miners were among them as well, looking a little like they were trying to get in on the action. I stood there and watched them for a bit before I moved on. At some point I picked up a small feather that came from a Crested Pigeon and took it home with me. I might try to draw something later, but idk man. It’s too early for me right now.
