
Entry 39
Tuesday 30th April 2023

tI don’t have much to report besides just a few things. The first thing is that the Kookaburras seem to still be living nearby, which is really good! Their calls are very loud sometimes, and they make me happy. I also noticed that they fly a bit strange. Their wings are a bit small in comparison to the rest of their bodies, so it looks almost like they struggle to fly a little. They’re not fast fliers, is all I’ll say. Their flying pattern is certainly unique enough that I can spot one in the distance base on how they fly alone.

Second thing I want to say is that maybe 30 minutes ago, there was a Superb Fairy Wren female right outside my window, very close to the window itself, on one of the twigs going across the trellis. She was singing her song, and I was simply mesmerised at the fact that she was okay with my presence and me being close to the window where she was as she sang. My desk, where I do most of my activities from, is right by the window, so any time a bird decides to perch on the trellis outside my window, I am usually very close to said bird. I’m glad that the birds that come to visit are comfortable enough with me to perch so close by my window.

Additional notes from unknown time - I cannot be bothered to write down what time that I am writing this update, all I want to say is that perhaps 30 minutes after I wrote my initial entry above, I saw another small bird perch in the same sport as the Superb Fairy Wren. It was an Eastern Spinebill, and it was eating the nectar off of a branch of clustered purple flowers by my window. It was smaller than I thought those species of birds were, but that’s probably because it wasn’t hovering like I usually see them doing. I loved seeing all its details up close. It was a beautiful sight.
