
Entry 37
Tuesday 3rd January 2023

It’s been a while since I last updated my bird journal. It’s mostly because I haven’t seen anything new or interesting, but I do have two new things to talk about.

First is that I have been hearing the Kookaburras a lot more lately, which makes me very happy. Second is that I just saw a Willie Wagtail...without its long tail feathers! I know for a fact that it was a Wagtail because of its size, the sounds it was making, and the “wagging” movement of its...well, tail. Usually, Willie Wagtails have long, tall tail feathers, similar to the Superb Fairy Wrens, but taller. This Wagtail, however, looked like it had a much smaller tail, similar to the size of a Weebill’s tail. I thought it was very strange. Either a cat ripped the poor bird’s tail feathers out, or it’s a deformed bird. I hope the bird will be okay. I’ll be keeping an eye out for that Willie Wagtail.
