
Entry 28
Tuesday 12th July 2022

I’m going to write this down before I forget. Yesterday I saw two bird-related things which I thought were quite interesting. First, I saw the two male Magpies (the father and son) laying on the ground, with their talons gripping onto each other. I believe they may have been fighting over food. I also think that it will be soon when the parents start to chase off the son in preparation of a new baby (while the current baby continues to grow older and helps with raising the new baby).

The other thing I saw were at least 4 or 5 Rainbow Lorikeets hanging out in our garden. Usually, we only ever get one pair, a male and a female who are mates. But I saw more than that yesterday, and in the distance I heard a small flock of even more Rainbow Lorikeets. I have seen a large flock of them before, but never near my own flat. I thought it was really cool.
