Entry 27
Friday 8th July 2022
Didn’t see much of interest in terms of birds, but I did find a little bird feather. I showed my mum and asked for her opinion on what bird she thought it came from, and she thinks it’s either a feather from an Eastern Rosella, or a Rainbow Lorikeet. I do not want to keep the feather as it will simply decay over time, so I will draw it in its exact size and shape on my piece of paper, and do the best to give it the most accurate colours I can (I am working with the same cheap shitty pencils that I’ve had in my school pencil case since I was 13 so no promises).
Image description: Pencil drawing of a small feather. Text reads: "Dark grey fades into white, which then fades into a yellow-ish-green colour. It is likely a feather from the underside of the bird."