
Entry 11
Tuesday 10th May 2022

Unfortunately there’s not much to report on the bird-front. I’ve seen a lot of Sparrows (an invasive species) feeding in the gardens lately, but as it starts to get really cold and it transitions from Autumn to Winter, I’ll probably not see many interesting birds until Spring (which is in four months, but it won’t start warming up until mid-late Spring, and lately the seasons have been all out of wack for many years now, especially more recently). The only birds I’ll see are the really tough and adaptable ones, such as Magpies, Crows and invasive species. So, I’ll probably just fill this book with drawings and cool info about different birds species until Spring comes around. I’ve been meaning to draw more birds anyway. It really helps my artistic skills to draw a wider variety of things, especially bird species I don’t draw often (or at all). I’m mainly good at drawing cats (both big cats and small cats), so it’s a good idea to expand my skills a bit more.

Additional note from 2:12pm - Okay I’m kinda stupid, because I just remembered something I wanted to write in here a week ago that I forgot about until just now. I pretty much saw the entire Corella flock a week ago (it’s not a big flock unfortunately). I’ve really only seen small sections of the flock before, but as I was walking home from the library a week and a half ago, I saw the entire flock in one of the paddocks close to home. It was incredible. They were all feeding off of the seeds on the ground, and as large amounts of them started flying to reposition the flock better, it just looked like a sea of white. It was like a wave of birds in the sky, ebbing and flowing. On the ground, they all just looked like a bunch of white birds, but in the air it was totally different. There must have been at least 100 or more birds. (Again, small flock, but this town has struggled a lot regarding our wildlife so it’s to be expected). It was a pretty cool sight to witness.
