
Image description: Multiple doodles of both Batman and Superman. 1st doodle is Batman's head in side view. 2nd doodle is a little Batman growling as he pics up a seemingly dead or unconcious Superman. 3rd doodle is a Batblob crying and saying "help..." 4th doodle is another headshot of Batman, but this time with long fangs and knarly teeth. 5th doodle is of a weirdly proportioned batman galloping to the left with wide eyes and grimace showing off his sharp teeth. 7th doodle is of a extremely tiny batblob and superman. Last doodle is another batblob floating on the spot.

Feral Batman

This is a collection of little doodles of Batman (and two of Superman) that are more on the "feral" side, hence the name! I just think Batman should be allowed to be a bit of a freak every once in a while ♥ Also the drawing of Batman holding up a "dead" Superman is my fav lmao
