Image description: A three comic panel. The first panel shows Batblob in a baby basket, wrapped up in a blanket. He looks tired and confused. To the right is text of someone off-panel saying "Oh, poor thing." The second panel shows the Batblob being gently grabbed by a pair of hands. The Batblob is a bit startled. The final panel shows a kind Alfred Pennyworth holding the slightly shaking and crying Batblob like a baby, and saying "Oh dear, there's no need to cry little one. You're safe now."
Safe now
This was a drawing that I made in response to a message that someone sent to my inbox on tumblr! Below is the message I got and my response. This is also a sequel to this batblob drawing.
Anonymous said: Takes baby batblob and he starts crying
Kiunlo replied: i cried drawing this btw. baby batblob needs a lot of love.