
Sketch of a mech character with a tail.
Image description: A digital sketch of a mech character named Nobuyuki, who is sitting with one leg crossed over the other. They have light and dark plating all over their body, and a shiny visor on their face. They have a long, segmented tail, and digitgrade legs. The number 04 is painted on the right side of their chest plating.

Sketch of a bird-like character with a long, mammal-like tail. They are unsheathing a sword.
Image description: A digital sketch of a bird-like character named Arthur, who has a long, curled, lizard-like tail. They have wings emerging from their hip area that are stretched out, and they are unsheathing a sword. They wear a hooded jacket and a helm with horns on them.

Two fun sketches

These were two sketches I did for puff-the-bunny on tumblr of their two characters, Arthur and Nobuyuki! Both designs are really cool and I had a blast drawing both of them ♥
