Image description: A digital drawing of a dark-skinned half-orc named Emmerich, standing next to his massive horse, named Indiana. Emmerich is completely shirtless, and top surgery scars can be seen on his chest. He is holding a spear in on hand and holding onto Indiana's reins in the other. Indiana is a black shire-horse that is heavily armoured in black and red armour. The armour on her forehead has three spikes on the front, with the middle spike being long like a unicorn horn.

Image description: A digital drawing of a large, black shire horse named Indiana. She is heavily armoured in black and red armour. The Horde symbol can be seen on the fabric flowing down from underneath the saddle, and the armour on her forehead has three spikes on the front, with the middle spike being long like a unicorn horn.
Emmerich and Indiana
This is my half-orc oc, Emmerich, and his huge warhorse Indiana! I loved the design I did for Indiana so much that I just had to make a separate image of her by herself so you could get the full details of her armour and saddle and stuff!