
Image description: Simple drawing of a long twisting dragon that is flying. Its body is blue and its wings and belly are black, with the body having different shades of blue squiggly lines going across it

Image description: Simple drawing of a dragon in the same shape and position as the first one, but with different colours. The body is black, the belly is a light grey, the wings are varying shades of purple and pink, and the body has patches of shiny green along it..

Image description: Simple drawing of a dragon that looks similar to the first two, but in a different position, looking a bit like a pretzel. Its body is yellow with white splotches all over, and its wings have a camo pattern with yellow, dark yellow, and light purple.

Image description: Simple drawing of a dragon in the same shape as the third image, but in different colours. The entire dragon is pink, sparkly and shiny.

Flight Rising Dragons #2

A few doodles of some Flight Rising Spiral dragons that I own that can be found in my lair!
