Image description: A simple drawing of Batman who is very tall, with very long ears and spiky shoulders that point up. The only discernable parts of Batman are his face, eyes, the folds in his cape and his clawed feet.

Image description: Another Batman in the same style, but he has one side of his cape flipped out like a bat, as the other side covers his body. He is stanced with his feet apart, showing off his clawed feed a lot more.

Image description: The final doodle, also in the same style as the last two images. Batman is in a semi-profile view, looking at the viewer past the cape that he's using to cover his face. He's wrapped the cape around most of his body, and the rest of it drags behind him as he stalks forward in a weird manner.
The Creature
Some drawings based off of Kelley Jones' version of batman (which is peak creature-batman, please look up his art!) I decided to give my Batman some clawed feet/boots to make him look even more creature like. He also kinda has a little BTAS/JLU inspo in terms of his face, but only very slightly. I had a lot of fun drawing this little freaked up white boy. I used images of bats as references for Batman's poses lol. I will probably draw more of him soon.