Image description: Various sketches of a Garrosh Hellscream, a large orc. There are two smaller sketchs of different facial expressions, showing contempt and surprise, and another bigger sketch of Garrosh sitting down with his knees up. He looks angry and upset. The text next to him reads: "No ass, no wrist, no neck having bitch."

Image description: A sketch of two orcs, Garrosh and Saurfang, who are enganged in an altercation. Garrosh is on the left, and is grabbing onto one of Saurfang's arms so he can bite it, while also hitting him on the head with his other fist. Saurfang is saying "ARHG! Hellscream, you fucker!!!"
Orc sketchdump
Just some sketches I did of some orcs, mostly of Garrosh Hellscream, but one with both him and Saurfang too! The one with Saurfang is based off a DC comic panel where Batman bites Superman while bonking him on the head lol.
Also, like the dumbass I am, I completely forgot to draw Garrosh's body tattoos, which is the second time I've done that. I just look at reference images of Garrosh and get so flustered that I completely black out, wake up 5 hours later not knowing what I was supposed to be doing, and the drawing is already complete and I'm lying on the ground covered in my own sweat. But it's whatever bro.