Image description: A greyscale comic with 3 panels. The first panel depicts two orcs in the frame, Thrall and Grokkar, both of whom are wearing armour. Thrall says "Garrosh can't eat solid food for another week because of his injury." The second panel shows Thrall's hand slapping onto Grokkar's shoulder armour, with the words "harsh grip" written right above Thralls hand. Thrall says "He's very cranky about it. Do not let him lie to you." Grokkar replies "Okay...". The last panel shows Garrosh lying in bed. He says "Arby's tonight." Grokkar replies "Thrall said no solid foods." Garrosh's final reply is him telling Grokkar he's a narc.
Arby's Tonight
Based on this meme that was posted in the Yamyell (garrosh) discord server that I'm in! Featuring my oc Grokkar :)