
The dreaded Lex Luthor yassified comic edits

Why did I start doing this? I cannot remember. I was tired and on my phone and thought to myself "Lex would look hot with makeup on" and the rest was history. It is something I cannot stop myself from doing. I MUST yassify him or else I'll explode.

I will obviously update this when I make new edits. You literally would not be able to stop me from making them if you tried. LMAO

Newest edits will show up at the bottom.

Also here's a lex luthor fancam from tumblr ♥ Originally created and posted by patapoulpe on tumblr!

Comic edit of Lex Luthor, who is a bald white man in a suit. He is holding a figurine of Superman. He is wearing makeup and red acrylic nails.
Comic edit of Lex Luthor, who is sitting the backseat of a car reading the news. He is saying 'He's letting down the human race.' He is wearing makeup which includes blue eyeshadow and red lipstick. He also has red acrylic nails.
Comic edit of Lex Luthor's face. He is wearing makeup which includes pruple eyeshadow and lipstick. He also has facial and ear pearcings. He is saying 'Let me put your mind at rest. If you think I'm here to use this to blackmail you, you're wrong. I want you to convince the others to bring me onto the Justice League.'
Edit of Lex Luthor from the animated Justice League tv show. He is holding his hands to his chest, displaying his long pastel pink acrylic nails. He is wearing natural-looking makeup, and has a small gold earring in his ear.
Edit of Lex Luthor from the animated Justice League tv show. He is holding a device with a button on it in his right hand. He is wearing dark makeup, with dark purple eyeshadow and lipstick. He has dark purple acrylic nails and is wearing trans and gay pride pins on his suit.
Comic edit of Lex Luthor. He is wearing sparkly purple eyeshadow and purple lipstick, with highlighter on his cheeks. He is in a dark room with pink side lighting.
Comic edit of Lex Luthor, who is holding up a glass of alcohol in his left hand. He is wearing makeup which includes blue eyeshadow and red lipstick. He has small gold earrings in his ears. He has been edited to say 'My pronouns are they them.'
Comic edit of Lex Luthor, who is wearing purple makeup and purple acrylics nails, with a silver cross earring in his right ear. He is pointing to the left of the viewer.